Drama - In this crime story, lawyer Bhavna (Rati Agnihotri) and her ex-lover, police officer Ravi (Shashi Kapoor), go after the local mafia. When Bhavna's son is kidnapped, the only person she can turn to for help is Bajrang (Mithun Chakraborty), a mafia kingpin's son who knows her secret. The stakes grow even higher when Ravi is ordered to arrest Bajrang. Kader Khan, Madan Puri and Poonam Dhillon co-star. - Shashi Kapoor, Mithun Chakraborty, Poonam Dhillon
- 类型: 剧情, 家庭
- 导演: Jagdish Sidana
- 演员: Shashi Kapoor, 弥图恩 茶庫洛博爾頭, Poonam Dhillon, Rati Agnihotri, Kader Khan
- 国家: