Former detective Gunpei Wakatsuki (Masao Kusakari) and former big thief Otomatsu Sekiya (Takashi Sasano), who live in the luxury elderly housing with care “Sharaku Home”, are a trio of 6th grade elementary school students, Isamu Tachikawa. Meet (Keita Ninomiya), Shota Inoki (Sotora Motomura), Chika Takami (Himena Negishi). One day, a baby is taken away at an obstetrics and gynecology clinic run by Isamu's father, Hiroshi Tachikawa (Takeyuki Yue). During the three minutes his mother went to the kiosk, she disappeared.
- 类型:
- 导演: Hiroyuki Muramatsu
- 演员: 草刈正雄, Yuka Kurotani, Emi Oji, 二宫庆多, Sotora Motomura
- 国家: Japan